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We're Taking This Show on the Road! Meet Carlita!

Hello Darlings!

I apologize that it's been awhile since I last posted, but these last few months have been really, really busy ones for Dear Reverie!  But I'm proud to say one of the projects that has been on my list is finally completed!  I decided to take Dear Reverie on the road with a mobile trailer that I affectionately named "Carlita." 

I the trailer a name may seem like a bit much, but honestly getting Carlita ready involved so much of our summer and fall, I really feel like she's part of the family.  And as you might've guessed, the inspiration for her name was my hubby. (Hey, people name boats after people they love, why can't we do the same thing with trailers?) All jokes aside, there would be absolutely no way I could've created Carlita without my husband's constant encouragement and positivity. He really kept me going when I felt like giving up or when I was completely stumped on how to tackle a certain task in getting the trailer ready.

So now that Carlita is finished, we're extremely eager for you to come and check her out. So stay tuned darlings! We'll keep you posted throughout 2019 to let you know where Carlita will pop up next!  XOXO, Dear Reverie

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