This super trendy material has been all the rage for designing earrings. But have you ever wondered 'what exactly is polymer clay?' Then, today's your day! Keep reading to find out!
XOXO, Angela
We've all been there ... after a day of fun you get home and notice that one of your earrings has decided to take a permanent sabbatical. You search and search but can't find it anywhere. So what's a girl to do?
Normally, I'll wait a few days and see if the fashionable fugitive will turn up. Sometimes I get lucky and it does. Other times, I'm left with 1/2 of a whole.
So in this episode of Reveries & Ribbons I'll be discussing four ways you can take those single ladies and create something fantastic! Keep reading darling to find out more!
Don't quit your daydream darling! Sometimes we all need a little motivation and a little inspiration to turn our dreams into realities. And really, with a little hard work, we may often surprise ourselves with the amazing things we can accomplish! So this year, I've created a digital dream journal to help you capture those reveries and stay on track each month until they're brought to life! The download is free until December 31st 2020. So go ahead darling ... dream a little dream! XOXO, Angela & Dear Reverie
If you're like me, there's always another pretty bauble or bead that seems to make its way into my jewelry collection. Then before I know it, my jewelry box is overflowing. In this post, we'll talk about some easy ideas and tips to keep your jewelry perfectly arranged!